Philippe Baudelot





(Head of digital dance, Monaco Dance Forum, Monaco)



Semiologist, multimedia consultant and journalist, Philippe Baudelot has worked since 1973 in the sector of the new technologies of information and the communication as the director of the development of the Society of European Video Edition (SEVE), one of the first companies of video production having existed in France. From 1977 to 1983, he taught media communications in the University Paris XII. At the same time, he is a media specialized journalist and research manager. He participated in the " free radios " adventure. In 1983, he became director of the development of the press agency Gamma Television, in charge of a project for a channel of continuous information associating the Gamma Agency, the AFP and ³Le Monde².

In 1987, he joined the ICS (Intercultralities and Semiotics) company as director of the department of media. There he realized several studies for the French Ministry for the Arts and Communications, national and local television channels and audiovisual producers. In 1992, he became an independent consultant. As such, he worked as consultant and director of research for the Club of Investment Media (an European Media 95 program in charge of the development of the digital and interactive contents), for the Association of the Mayors of Big Cities of France (studies on the development of the information and communication technologies in the city). He also realized studies for the French Ministry of Education, INA, France 3...

In 1996, he created the colloquium Interactive Television and Multimedia ( ITVM). This colloquium was organized in partnership with the INA-Imagina then with the CST. In 1998, he conceived the multimedia sector of Monaco Dance Forum of which he is a project manager for digital dance since 2001. He is lecturer on the digital Arts and the digital dance at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (Departments ACL and Dance). As journalist, he writes for numerous professional magazines inlcuding the Film Français, Antennes, Spectacle Info, Broadcast.
