Rachel Zuanon

(Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi, Brazil)

Rachel Zuanon is media artist, designer and researcher of the interfaces of Art, Science and Technology. She holds a Doctorate degree and Master in "Communication and Semiotics Program" (PUC-SP) and graduated in Visual Arts (UNESP-São Paulo). She is a teacher in the Department of Body Language at "PUC-SP" University, and of the Postgraduate course "Hypermedia Design" and of undergraduate course "Digital Design" and ³Design and Planning Games² at Anhembi Morumbi University.

She received the APCA 2000 award granted and the honorable mention from Rumos Itaś Research 2003. She was selected to represent Brazil at American Dance Festival, with VITAE Scholarship. She had her works selected by FILE 2004, 2003, 2002; by ISEA2002; by Internacional Research Conference Consciousness Reframed 2004 - Beijing/China; and by the Symposium of the International Institute for Neuroscience of Natal ­ Brazil.

website: www.rachelzuanon.com