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Digital Cultures Lab


workshop 10

Roy Ascott, Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology and Consciousness. Edited and with an essay by Edward A. Shanken( Berkeley: Univ. of California, 2003).

Yara Guasque Araujo Rondon, TELE-EVENTO-PENSAMENTO: a imagem mediada na videoconferncia e na telepresena

Catherine Wilson, "Vicariousness and Authenticity" in: The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet, ed. Ken Goldberg. UC Berkeley, MIT, 1999.

Sita Popat & Jacqueline Smith-Autard, "Dance-Making on the Internet: Can Online Choreographic Projects Foster Creativity in the User Participant?" Leonardo 35:1 (2002), 31-36.

Luisa Paraguai Donati & Gilberto Prado, "Artistic Environments of Telepresence on the World Wide Web," Leonardo 34:5 (2001), 437-442.

Gilbertto Prado. "Cronologias de experincias artsticas nas redes de telecomunicaes", Trilhas, Campinas, SP, Unicamp:1997, 77-103.

Lisa Marie Naugle, "Distributed Choreography, " Performing Arts Journal 71 (2002): 56-61

David Z. Saltz, "The Collaborative Subject" Telerobotic Performance and Identity," PR 6:3 (2001), 70-83

Eduardo Kac , "Aspects of the Aesthetics of Telecomommunications," originally published in Siggraph Visual Proceedings, ed. John Grimes and Gray Lorig. New York: ACM, 1992

Eduardo Kac, "Ornitorrinco: Exploring Telepresence and Remote Sensing", in Connectivity: Art and Interactive Telecommunications, Roy Ascott and Carl Eugene Loeffler, eds., Leonardo, Vol. 24:2, 1991.

F. Biocca. "Cyborg's dilemma: Progressive embodiment in virtual environments". Journal of Computer Mediated-Communication (1997)

Amy Scholder & Jordan Crandall, eds., Interaction: Artistic Practice in the Network (New York: D.A.P., 2001).

Julian Stallabrass, Internet Art: The Online Clash of Culture and Commerce (London: Tate Publishing, 2003).

Robert Mitchell. and Phillip Thurtle, Data made Flesh: Embodying Information (New York: Routledge, 2004).

Jenny Sundn, Material Virtualities: Approaching Online Textual Embodiment (New York: Peter Lang, 2003).

Marina Grzinic, ed , Stelarc. Political Prosthesis and Knowledge of the Body (Ljubljana: Maska, 2002).

Marina Grzinic, Fiction Reconstructed: Eastern Europe, Post-Socialism, The Retro-Avant-garde (Vienna: Edition Selene, 2000).

Gert Lovink, Dark Fibre: Tracking Critical Internet Culture (Cambridge; MIT Press, 2002).

Gert Lovink, Uncanny Networks: Dialogues with the Virtual Intelligentsia (Cambridge,MA.: MIT Press, 2002).

Lorne Falk "The Affective Interface"

Sita Popat, Invisible Connections: dance, choreography and internet communities. London: Routledge, 2006


John Mitchell

Kelly Gottesman

Johannes Birringer, Ellen Bromberg, Naomi Jackson, John Mitchell, Lisa Naugle, and Doug Rosenberg, "Connected Dance: Distributed Performance across Time Zones

Johannes Birringer, "Interactive Dance, the Body, and the Internet," Journal of Visual Art Practice 3:3, 165-78.

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coordinated by Johannes Birringer



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